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What is the Strongest Weed Killer You Can Buy in the UK

What is the Strongest Weed Killer You Can Buy in the UK or Find Around the House?

A weed infestation can quickly turn a beautiful yard into a horrid eyesore - one that leaves you embarrassed of your property and desperate for a quick fix. 

You don’t want to be “that neighbour” with weeds growing all through your front yard. Or, maybe you’re concerned about weeds taking over your garden and ruining your crop. Perhaps you’re a property manager and your tenants are complaining about the problem.

Whatever the case, you need to act swiftly to prevent this issue from spiraling even further. So, what is the strongest weed killer you can get your hands on here in the UK? You’ve come to the right place. 

Whether you’re looking for the strongest weed killer you can buy or you’re seeking a homemade solution, we’ll share the fastest, most effective options you can choose from here in this guide. You’ll also gain tips on how to kill weeds permanently using your selected method.

Take the first step towards transforming your property at Jennychem, where you’ll gain access to a strong weed killer that’s trusted by 10,000 UK gardeners and counting. Our Weedex Super Total Weed Killer guarantees total elimination of all types of garden weeds, restoring your yard to its previous prime!

What is the Strongest Homemade Weed Killer?

So, what is the strongest homemade weed killer? We’ll get things started with some DIY solutions that you may have access to in your home right now. 

The Appeal of DIY Weed Killer

We understand the desire for DIY weed-killing solutions. It’s more cost-effective and accessible, especially if you have the supplies on hand. You can also avoid using a harsher, more chemical-laden product that you’d buy at the store.

Make no mistake, though. A DIY weed killer can be just as effective for those who prefer organic gardening practices. The appeal lies in using readily available household ingredients, minimising the ecological footprint and potential toxicity to pets and wildlife.

Vinegar, Salt, and Soap Mixtures

One of the most potent homemade weed killers combines vinegar, salt, and soap. The acetic acid in vinegar desiccates the plant's leaves on contact, causing them to dry out and die. 

Meanwhile, salt (particularly in high concentrations) acts as a desiccant as well, drawing moisture from the weed and disrupting its internal water balance. But, how long does it take for salt to kill weeds? It can take anywhere from 24 hours to a few weeks.

Dish soap serves as a surfactant, which reduces the surface tension of the mixture. This helps it cling to the leaves and enhances the overall effectiveness. Here’s a recipe you can try:


  • 1 gallon of white vinegar (5% acetic acid concentration)
  • 1 cup of salt (table salt will work, but ideally, you’d use our de icer salt which is more potent)
  • 1 tablespoon of liquid dish soap


  • Apply the mixture directly to the weeds, ensuring thorough coverage of the leaves.
  • Ideal for sunny days, as sunlight accelerates the desiccating effect of the vinegar.

Boiling Water and Other Thermal Methods

Boiling water causes instant cell damage when poured directly onto the weeds, leading to the plant's death. This method is particularly useful for weeds growing in pavement cracks or gravel driveways where precision application is not necessary.

You could take this a step further and go full scorched earth with a torch as your weed killer of choice. This sounds a bit overkill, but it’s highly effective and more commonplace than you’d think.

Just keep in mind that these thermal methods are not suitable near desirable plants as it’s hard to control their application with precision. You also need to be careful and assess the risks, as there are obvious safety hazards due to the risk of burns.

Lemon Juice Weed Killer

Lemon juice is a potent organic alternative for weed control due to its high citric acid content, which effectively burns and desiccates weed foliage on contact. 

This natural herbicide is especially useful in sunny conditions where the acid can quickly break down the weed's cellular structure, leading to its demise. Here’s a quick overview of how to make the most of this solution:


  • ½ gallon of water
  • ½ gallon of lemon juice


  • Combine water and lemon juice in a bucket or sprayer.
  • Apply the mixture directly to the weeds during the sunniest part of the day to maximise the acidic action.
  • Repeat application may be necessary for stubborn weeds.

Borax Weed Killer

Borax is commonly used as a cleaning agent, but you can use it to clean up your garden as well since it contains boron. This mineral is toxic to plants in high concentrations, making borax an effective herbicide for areas where perennial weeds are a problem. 

However, because borax can accumulate in the soil and potentially harm plant life, it should be used cautiously and only in places where soil health is not a concern.

Ingredients and Usage


  • 10 ounces of borax
  • 2.5 gallons of water


  • Fully dissolve the borax in water to ensure even distribution.
  • Use a garden sprayer to apply the solution to weeds, avoiding contact with desired plants and lawns.
  • Best used on driveways, gravel paths, or between pavers where you want to prevent all plant growth.

Setting Expectations With DIY Weed Killers

While each of these DIY weed killers can be effective for small-scale or less stubborn weed problems, it’s important that you set your expectations. They often require patience and repeated applications to achieve full eradication. 

Homemade solutions are ideal for environmentally conscious gardeners and those looking to avoid harsh chemicals. However, those facing severe infestations or needing rapid action should rely on professional formulations. 

These commercial weed killers are scientifically engineered for potency and efficiency, offering the fastest results and complete eradication of even the most resilient weeds. 

They are designed to target a broad spectrum of weed species with precision, ensuring that your property can be reclaimed quickly and maintained with minimal effort. That being said, what is the strongest weed killer you can buy in the UK?

What is the Strongest Weed Killer You Can Buy?

First, it’s important to know that there are two types of weed killers you can choose from: selective and non-selective. 

Selective herbicides target specific weed species without harming surrounding plants. This characteristic makes them ideal where only certain unwanted plants need to be controlled. They work by exploiting the biological differences between the weed and the desirable plants. 

Non-selective herbicides, on the other hand, kill most plant types they come into contact with and are used for clearing large areas of all vegetation, such as on industrial sites or for preparing new planting areas.

That being said, we’ll compare a few different solutions below and walk you through choosing the right one for your specific weed problem.

Criteria for Strength and Effectiveness

The strength and effectiveness of a weed killer depend on its active ingredients and formulation. Factors to consider include:

  • Persistence: How long the herbicide remains active in the soil, affecting weed regrowth.
  • Spectrum of control: Whether the product targets a wide range of weed species or is more specialised.
  • Concentration of active ingredients: Higher concentrations can mean more powerful and faster-acting results but require careful handling.
  • Mode of action: How the herbicide disrupts the weed’s growth processes, with some acting on the leaves (foliar) and others on the roots (soil-active).

Assessing Common Compounds for Killing Weeds

So, what is the strongest weed killer you can buy in the UK? We’ll share one specific product in just a moment, but first, let’s talk about the strongest weed killing compounds to look for:

  • Glyphosate: One of the most popular and powerful broad-spectrum, non-selective herbicides available. It works systemically, being absorbed by foliage and then transported throughout the plant, including the roots, leading to complete eradication.
  • 2,4-D: Used primarily in selective weed killers to target broadleaf weeds without harming grass, making it a favorite for lawn care.
  • Dicamba: Another selective herbicide that is effective against a variety of broadleaf weeds. This one is often used in combination with other herbicides to broaden its spectrum of control.
  • Glufosinate-ammonium: A broad-spectrum, non-selective herbicide, similar to glyphosate but with a different mode of action. This one causes rapid desiccation and death of plant tissue upon contact. It's effective against a wide range of annual and perennial weeds and is often used in orchards, vineyards, and before planting crops.
  • Triclopyr: A selective systemic herbicide effective against woody plants, broadleaf weeds, and some grasses. Commonly used in forest management, pasture renovation, and on non-crop areas, including industrial sites and recreational areas, to control brush and invasive species.
  • Mecoprop (MCPP): This selective herbicide controls broadleaf weeds without damaging grass, making it a popular choice in lawn care products. It's often found in mixtures with other herbicides like 2,4-D and dicamba to enhance the spectrum of control.
  • Paraquat: Known for its quick-acting, non-selective properties. It’s used to clear fields before planting and to control weeds between rows of crops. Due to its high toxicity, its use is strictly regulated and generally limited to professional applicators.
  • Aminopyralid: A selective herbicide used to control broadleaf weeds in grassland and pastures. It is particularly effective against perennial weeds and is known for its residual activity, preventing weed regrowth for several months.

Get the Strongest Weed Killer at Jennychem Today!

With so many different solutions to choose from it can feel overwhelming picking a product. So, what is the strongest weed killer you can buy in the UK? Look no further than Weedex Super Total Weed Killer.

More than 10,000 gardeners and counting use this solution to tackle even the most resilient weeds, ranging from the invasive Japanese knotweed to the persistent ivy, oxtails, horsetail, nettles, and more. 

It’s backed by thousands of 5-star reviews, and our own customers here at Jennychem continue to come back for more time and time again. Don’t just take our word for it:

“Great product, successfully killed off a large area of ivy that I have been trying to get rid of for at least 15 years.” - Paul

“Amazed at how well it killed all the Bramble well impressed. Really good price too. Will def buy again.” - Trish

“It's been 3 months and weeds have not yet been back! Very pleased” - Wendy

The formula is meticulously crafted to target and eradicate all garden weeds, ensuring your space remains pristine long after application.

As soon as your ground becomes damp - around springtime - you can apply the product and let it work its magic. These conditions are perfect for rapid absorption, and thus, faster removal.

Get your hands on Weedex Super today and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with a clean, flourishing garden. We’ll offer a few parting tips on using your solution below, regardless of the route you take.

Tips on Using Your Weed-Killing Solution

Finding the strongest weed killer is just the first step in putting your weed problem behind you. Now, it’s time to actually decimate those pesky weeds!

Timing, Weather Conditions, and Application Methods

Apply herbicides during dry, calm weather to prevent drift and ensure the solution adheres to the weeds, typically in late spring or early autumn when weed growth is active. 

Avoid application before rain, as water can wash the herbicide away before it has time to act. Use targeted application methods like spot spraying for precise control, or broader treatments for widespread infestations.

Protective Equipment and Safety Measures

Given the harsh nature of these solutions - even the DIY weed killers we discussed - safety is key when applying your herbicide. Always wear protective equipment, including gloves, goggles, and long-sleeved clothing, to prevent skin and eye contact. 

If you are using a storebought solution, read and follow the product’s label instructions carefully to understand the specific safety protocols and ensure proper handling and storage.

Dosage and Concentration Tips

There’s a chance the product you are purchasing is a concentrate. If so, be sure to take the time to properly dilute the solution as necessary. Mixing the correct amount ensures the herbicide works effectively without causing unnecessary damage or leaving harmful residues.

Setting Your Expectations

Understand that weed control is a process that may require time and repeated applications, especially for persistent or invasive species. 

So, set realistic expectations and monitor the treated areas for progress and potential regrowth. Regular maintenance and timely interventions can sustain a long-term, weed-free environment. Best of luck!

Bringing Our Guide on the Strongest Weed Killer to a Close

A weed outbreak can dramatically detract from your property’s appearance, and in some cases, ruin a thriving crop in a matter of weeks. So, what is the strongest weed killer in the UK? 

Hopefully, you have a clear understanding of all the options at your disposal, from household solutions to store-bought saviours. 

Understanding the type of herbicide, its application, and safety considerations ensures not just the eradication of unwanted plants but also the preservation of your garden's health and the environment.

Remember, the #1 solution in the UK is just a few clicks away at Jennychem. Shop today to revitalise your outdoor spaces and pave the way for a beautiful, weed-free environment!

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