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Is Weed Killer Safe For Dogs?

Is Weed Killer Safe For Dogs?

You want a beautiful, weed-free outdoor space - but not if it means compromising your pet’s health and well-being. As a pet parent, you’d never do anything that could put them in harm’s way. 

So, is weed killer safe for dogs? If so, what weed killer is safe for dogs? We’re here to help you restore the appearance of your yard without stressing about the impact it has on other lives that roam your hard, including dogs.

The short answer is you can rest assured our weed killer here at Jennychem is safe for dogs after it dries. Weedex works exceptionally well on even the most persistent weed varieties and is non-toxic. Join over 10,000 happy gardeners in the UK today!

Why Use Weed Killer?

Before we help you uncover weed killer safe for dogs, let’s talk about why you’d want to learn how to use weed killer in the first place. After all, there are plenty of other solutions for addressing a weed problem - pulling them out manually, de-icing salt, etc.

But the truth is, nothing is as quick or effective as a concentrated herbicide tailored to your specific weed infestation. Their ability to target and eliminate weeds effectively allows for the preservation of desired plant life and the overall appearance of outdoor spaces. 

Beyond keeping your yard looking beautiful, though, weed killers help prevent weeds from competing with garden plants for vital nutrients, water, and sunlight, ensuring that your garden thrives. If you’re cultivating fruits, veggies, or ornamental flowers, this is the best way to protect your crop.

But the big question is, is weed killer safe for dogs? Let’s get into everything you need to know about weed killer and dogs below.

Is Weed Killer Safe For Dogs?

As proud pet parents ourselves we fully understand the need to prioritise the wellbeing of your furry friends above the state of your yard. The last thing you want is for your pup to be playing in the yard and then start to look sick as a result of coming in contact with the herbicide you applied.

Don’t worry - we’ll clear up everything you need to know about using weed killer around dogs below. First, can weed killer kill dogs, or will it just make them sick?

Can Weed Killer Kill Dogs?

The direct answer is yes, certain weed killers have the potential to be lethal to dogs if ingested in significant amounts or if they come into contact with them in a concentrated form. 

However, this is very rare. Instances of this occurring are more commonly the result of a dog getting into a bottle or container of weed killer rather than coming into contact with plants that have been sprayed.

Symptoms of poisoning can vary from mild gastrointestinal upset to severe neurological problems, depending on the chemical composition of the product used. We’ll cover more signs you should remain vigilant of in just a moment, but let’s look at some of the chemicals you need to be wary of.

What are the Concerning Chemicals for Pet Safety?

The same chemicals that eradicate those pesky weeds can often pose a risk to your pet’s - here are some of the most dangerous: 

  • Glyphosate: While considered less toxic it can still cause vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy in dogs if ingested.
  • 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D): Common in many broadleaf weed killers, it's more toxic and can lead to muscle twitching, drooling, convulsions, and even death when consumed in large amounts.
  • Paraquat: Extremely toxic and potentially fatal even in small quantities, ingestion can lead to severe symptoms, including respiratory failure.
  • Dicamba: This herbicide can cause vomiting and neurological issues in dogs.

Understanding these chemicals helps in selecting safer alternatives and in recognising symptoms of exposure that might require immediate veterinary attention. That being said, what weed killer is safe for dogs?

What Weed Killer is Safe For Dogs?

There are so many options at your disposal if you’re tired of letting weeds dominate your garden but don’t want to take any chances when it comes to your pet’s health. 

For example, you can create a DIY weed killer using more gentle ingredients like vinegar, salt, or essential oils. While these alternatives are safer around pets, their effectiveness can fall short of commercial herbicides. They may require more frequent applications than their chemical counterparts, too. 

Another option is to use salt. Wait, does salt kill weeds? It sure does! It disrupts the plant’s osmotic balance, essentially dehydrating them slowly to ultimately lead to their demise. However, salt can also kill desired vegetation, and dogs can walk around and lick up salt which may pose problems of its own.

Always look for products labeled as "pet-safe" or "organic" and read the ingredients list carefully. As we said from the start, you can enjoy peace of mind using the strongest weed killer on the market in the UK, exclusively available at Jennychem. We’ll show you what makes our solution the #1 choice in just a moment. 

How Long After Putting Weed Killer Down is it Safe For Dogs?

Now, how long does weed killer stay toxic to dogs? There’s no one size fits all answer. It depends entirely on the specific chemical makeup and the environment in which you apply it.

When applying chemical-based herbicides, we suggest giving the product a good 24-48 hours to dry before allowing pets roam freely in the outdoor space. The product will be completely dry at this point and officially non-toxic (assuming you’re using Weedex from Jennychem, at least).

On the other hand, natural weed killers like the DIY solutions we referenced earlier can typically be deemed “safe” in a shorter timeframe - maybe 12-24 hours. 

The safest practice is to follow the specific guidelines provided by the weed killer manufacturer regarding pet re-entry into treated areas. That being said, let’s offer some tips on keeping dogs safe while using weed killer below.

Tips on Keeping Dogs Safe While Using Weed Killer

Even if you suspect you’re using a safe weed killer for dogs it’s still important to exercise caution in actually applying it. Here is how you can protect your four-legged friends while putting that weed problem in the past once and for all.

Keeping Pets Away While Spraying

Before you even begin mixing chemicals and loading up your garden sprayer make sure pets are locked indoors away from the area you intend to spray. If you cannot bring pets indoors, use temporary blockades or fencing in a separate area of the yard well away from where you’re spraying. 

It’s also a good idea to inform all household members and neighbors (if applicable) of your spraying schedule to avoid accidental exposure to pets wandering nearby.

Choosing Optimal Conditions for Application

Understanding when to spray weed killer isn’t just important for the safety of your pets, but also for your own safety and the actual results of your herbicide.

Apply weed killer on calm days to prevent drift from wind, which could spread chemicals beyond the targeted area, potentially reaching where pets could access them.

Early morning or late evening applications can be ideal as pets are less likely to be outdoors, and this timing avoids the intense midday heat that can increase the volatility of some chemicals.

Check the recommendations on your specific herbicide, too. Some products recommend dry conditions on the ground to prevent runoff or pooling, while others recommend the ground to be wet for proper adhesion.

Signs of Poisoning and What to Do

Even if you take all the necessary precautions you need to know what to look out for regarding poisoning in dogs. The mild symptoms include drooling, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. More severe symptoms include tremors, seizures, extreme lethargy, or difficulty breathing.

If you notice any of these signs, remove your dog from the exposure area immediately to prevent further ingestion or contact. Then, contact your veterinarian or an emergency pet poison hotline as soon as you notice any signs of distress. Provide them with information about the weed killer used, as this will guide treatment.

The vet may instruct you to rinse any chemicals from your dog’s coat or to bring them in for emergency treatment, depending on the severity of the symptoms. After professional treatment, monitor your pet closely and follow all post-care instructions to ensure a full recovery.

Get Weed Killer Safe for Dogs at Jennychem!

So, what weed killer is safe for dogs? As we said from the start, your search ends here at Jennychem. Weedex Super has hundreds of five-star reviews for its versatile, effective, and safe action. 

Once dry, Weedex Super is safe for pets, making it an ideal choice for households that value both effectiveness and the well-being of their furry friends.

Make no mistake, though - while it’s gentle on pets and the environment, it’s hard on even the most pervasive weed species, like Japanese knotweed, oxtails, horsetail, ivy, nettles, and more. The formula is designed to penetrate deep into the roots of weeds, ensuring complete eradication without the need to reapply frequently.

Beyond the weed killer itself, you can pick up an IK sprayer for targeted application. We carry both manual and electric sprayers depending on the size of the area you intend to cover. 

On that note, you can count on Jennychem for all your chemical cleaning needs - from the best commercial pressure washer in the UK to the best snow foam, best car polish, best car screen wash, and anything in between. 

You can find more tips on how to kill weeds in our blog, including how long for weed killer to work, weed burner vs weed killer, and many more. At this point, though, it’s time we wrapped up this guide to weed killer and dogs with a few final thoughts below.

Final Thoughts on Weed Killer and Dogs

So, is weed killer safe for dogs? More specifically, how long after putting weed killer down is it safe for dogs? We hope this guide has left you with complete clarity on all aspects of weed killer and dogs. 

While using herbicides around pets can be stressful, you can feel confident going forward knowing what you need to look out for to keep your dog safe and your yard weed-free simultaneously. 

Just stick with Weedex Super and use it as directed for a reliable, pet-friendly solution you can count on for all types of weeds. 

Shop now and discover a pet-safe way to maintain your garden at Jennychem and enjoy peace of mind knowing your outdoor space is beautiful and secure for every member of your family, even those curious four-legged loved ones!

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