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How to Use Patio Cleaner: Step-by-Step Guide to Cleaning Patio Slabs

How to Use Patio Cleaner: Step-by-Step Guide to Cleaning Patio Slabs

Whether it's the entry to your home or an outdoor space for customers, proper patio care cannot be overlooked. It’s a reflection of you, and you want to keep it looking its best. This will also protect your investment and prevent premature degradation.

While the thought of learning how to clean a patio can be daunting, we’ll simplify it for you and leave you feeling clear and confident in how to use patio cleaner here in this guide. You’ll learn everything from choosing the right cleaning solution to application tips, cleaning frequency, and more.

First things first - get the most trusted industrial patio cleaner in the UK today at Jennychem, your one-stop-shop for home and vehicle maintenance. Our solutions are safe and concentrated, helping you restore a brilliant finish on a variety of patio surfaces.

See the difference in your own patio by placing your order today!

Why Use a Patio Cleaner?

Using a patio cleaner goes beyond the everyday dirt and debris - it can effortlessly lift even the toughest of stains form any surface. These solutions are powerful.

They also help you keep weed growth at bay while simultaneously extending the life of your patio. Let’s quickly touch on why a solid patio cleaner is an excellent investment in your home or business.

Effective Stain Removal

Outdoor patios frequently fall victim to stubborn stains from organic matter, oil, and general environmental pollutants. Standard soap and a scrub brush may not be enough to eradicate these.

On the other hand, a dedicated patio cleaner is formulated to break down these tough stains with ease by targeting the compounds that cause staining. You can put those unsightly marks in the past and restore the natural appearance of your patio slabs without harming them.

Prevention of Weed Growth and Moss

Learning how to clean patio slabs will also prevent weeds and moss from taking hold, which are both unsightly and detrimental to the structure itself. They can grow into the cracks and crevices of stonework and wreak havoc.

Patio cleaners often contain ingredients that prevent the growth of these unwanted plants. They eliminate the habitats weeds thrive in by cleaning the crevices and pores of the patio surfaces. This keeps your patio cleaner and clearer for longer periods.

If you’re struggling with weed growth specifically, explore our blog for tips on how to kill weeds.

Long-Term Protection

It’s clear now that patio cleaning goes beyond aesthetic benefits - it’s an investment in longevity. These solutions add a protective layer to shield the patio from future dirt, stains, and organic growth. 

This protective barrier can repel water and reduce the rate at which moisture penetrates the slabs, which could otherwise cause freeze-thaw damage in colder months. 

Regularly cleaning your patio with the right products can prevent the degradation of materials, ensuring that your outdoor area remains a welcoming, safe space for family and guests. 

Now, let’s move on to step one - choosing the right patio cleaner. 

Choosing the Right Patio Cleaner

Before we can teach you how to use patio cleaner you need the right solution on hand. This will allow you to quickly and easily restore a like-new look without compromising the integrity of your patio or putting yourself at risk with harmful chemicals. 

What to Look for in a Patio Cleaner

Here’s a quick overview of what you need to consider:

  • Assess Your Patio Material: Different materials require specific types of cleaners to avoid damage. Natural stone can be sensitive to acidic solutions, whereas concrete might withstand stronger chemicals. 
  • Identify the Type of Stains: Organic stains like moss and algae need a different approach compared to oil or rust stains. Some cleaners are specialised to tackle organic growth specifically, which can be particularly useful if your patio is shaded and prone to damp conditions.
  • Consider Environmental Impact: This is especially important for those with gardens, pets, or young children. Look for patio cleaners that are biodegradable and non-toxic, which provide effective cleaning power without the harsh chemicals that can harm plants or pose health risks to animals and humans.
  • Check for Versatility: Some patio cleaners offer versatility, being suitable for multiple surfaces and capable of handling a variety of stains. If you manage multiple outdoor areas with different materials and contaminants, a versatile cleaner might be the most economical and efficient choice.
  • Ease of Application: Some products might require dilution or specific tools like pressure washers or sprayers for application. Ease of use can be a significant factor if you prefer a quick and straightforward cleaning process.

Some of Our Top Solutions at Jennychem

Like we said at the start, your search for a reliable, effective, and safe patio cleaner ends here at Jennychem. We bring more than 35 years of experience as a trusted supplier in the UK, and we have a wide variety of solutions to choose from. Here are some of our most popular:

Jennychem Patio & Driveway Cleaner

This cleaner is specifically formulated to tackle tough grime, algae, moss, and stubborn stains, ensuring your patios and driveways look impeccably clean. 

It penetrates deep into surface pores to lift dirt and impurities, making removal effortless. Its fast-acting formula reduces cleaning time and effort, making it ideal for busy homeowners. 

Safe for the environment and versatile enough for use on concrete, stone, brick, and outdoor tiles, it can be used for both routine maintenance and intensive cleaning tasks.

Brick & Patio Acid Cleaner

Designed to tackle tough stains and grime on a variety of hard surfaces, this powerful solution easily removes dirt, algae, and moss. 

It's perfect for restoring the original brilliance of your brickwork, patios, and concrete areas, making them look fresh and new. Say farewell to unsightly stains and welcome a rejuvenated outdoor appearance with this acid-based cleaner.

Black Spot Remover

Eliminate persistent black spots caused by lichen and algae. Its advanced formula penetrates deeply into porous surfaces to tackle these blemishes at the root. 

Suitable for a wide range of surfaces including patios, driveways, decking, and natural stone, this product not only provides instant visible improvements but also helps prevent the recurrence of black spots. 

With its long-lasting effects and easy application, achieving professional-level results is straightforward and efficient. While powerful against stains, our formula is also environmentally conscious, ensuring safety for your garden and the surrounding ecosystem.

How to Use Patio Cleaner: Step-by-Step Guide

So you’ve got your cleaning solution and you’re ready to get to work - great. Roll up your sleeves and let us walk you through how to use patio cleaner below.

Preparing Your Patio for Cleaning

Start by clearing the patio area so that you can clean the entire space. Remove all furniture, plant pots, and any other items to ensure you have complete access to the surface.

We recommend starting with a broom to sweep away loose debris such as leaves, dirt, and small stones. This helps expose all spots that need attention and prevents dirt from turning into mud once the cleaning solution is applied.

After you’ve done this, you can do a quick walk around the patio to identify problem areas that need the most attention. You can pre-treat these with your cleaner or a specialised stain remover to improve results.

Applying the Patio Cleaner

Take the time to carefully read the instructions on the specific cleaner you’ve chosen - whether it’s one of ours here at Jennychem or anything else for that matter. Some cleaners require dilution, while others can be used directly from the container. 

Once you’ve dialed in the dilution ratio to achieve optimal effectiveness without wasting the product, the real fun begins. Use a sprayer or watering can to evenly distribute the cleaner across the patio. Cover the entire surface to ensure no areas are missed.

For larger patios, it’s worth investing in an industrial pressure washer, as these can blast away grime on their own but become extra powerful when paired with an effective cleaning solution. 

Here at Jennychem, we carry the Kranzle power washer lineup - the most well-regarded in the UK. These will save you time while preventing much of the manual scrubbing that would otherwise be necessary. 

Allowing the Formula to Dwell

Most cleaners have a recommended dwell time - in which you can sit back and relax while the active ingredients work their magic on your patio. This can be anywhere from 5-10 minutes. 

Just make sure the cleaner does not dry on the surface. If the weather is particularly warm, you might need to mist the area with water to keep it wet during the dwell time.

Scrubbing and Agitation

Now you can grab a stiff-bristled scrub brush and get to work. This can be quite physically demanding, so set your expectations and consider if you can handle the labour or if you should enlist help.  

If your patio includes decorative elements or sensitive materials, use a softer brush and gentler motions to avoid scratches or damage. Remember, your patio cleaner is going to do most of the heavy lifting - you don’t have to break your back here.

Rinsing the Patio

Now you can rinse the patio thoroughly with clean water, being sure to direct the soil away from the patio towards a safe drainage point. Again, a quality cold water pressure washer can save you time and energy on this task.

Drying and Inspecting

At this point most of the work is done - you just need to give the patio time to dry now so you can assess your work. During this time, block off the patio so that you don’t end up tracking dirt into the freshly cleaned area and leaving muddy footprints behind. This will also prevent slips and falls.

If you find that certain areas need a touch-up, you can spot-treat them with your patio cleaner and a brush. Otherwise, great job - you know how to clean a patio now!

How Often Should You Do This Cleaning Task?

One of the most common questions we get asked regarding how to use patio cleaner is in regards to frequency. There’s no one-size-fits-all answer here, just like with how much Adblue to add to your car. It all depends on how soiled your patio becomes.

In general, though, a few times a year is more than enough to maintain a beautiful patio setting. You can come up with a schedule such as once in the spring to clear away winter’s wear, and then again in the fall to prepare for winter.

If your patio sees a lot of activity during the summer months, consider an additional cleaning at the end of the season to remove any spills from barbecues or gatherings.

Final Thoughts on How to Clean Patio Slabs

Cleaning your patio slabs goes beyond enhancing their appearance. It extends their life and functionality. We hope this guide on how to use patio cleaner has left you feeling capable of taking on this task.

By following a thorough cleaning regimen and using the right solution from Jennychem, you can rest assured your outdoor space remains a beautiful and safe environment for entertaining and relaxation.

Remember, Jennychem doesn’t just have high-quality patio cleaner. You can count on us for everything from weed killer for sale to car detailing products, fake grass cleaner, washing up liquid, and more.

At this point, though, it’s time to stock up on the finest patio cleaner in the UK if you haven’t already. Put what you learned in this guide on how to clean patio slabs to the test and maintain an impeccable property you’re proud to show off!

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