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DIY Patio Cleaner: How to Make Your Own Patio Cleaner Solution DIY

DIY Patio Cleaner: How to Make Your Own Patio Cleaner Solution DIY

Patio cleaning is a necessary maintenance task for prolonging life and enhancing the appearance of your outdoor space. But you may be considering learning how to make your own patio cleaner to cut costs and gain more control over the ingredients you’re putting out onto the surface. You’ve come to the right place! 

Our DIY patio cleaner guide will cover everything you need to know, from choosing the right components, mixing them together in the proper ratios, storing the mixture, and actually using it for the best results.

We’ll also talk about the downside to using a patio cleaner solution DIY - from inconsistency in results to the hassle and headache of sourcing individual chemicals and concocting your own recipe. 

The truth is, you’re almost always going to be better off saving time and stress and simply sourcing your patio cleaner here at Jennychem. We have more than 35 years of experience serving the UK with top-tier cleaning chemicals for any purpose, and the perfect cleaning agent is just a few clicks away!

The Role of Routine Patio Cleaning

Before we get into how to make patio cleaner DIY, why is routine cleaning such an important maintenance task in the first place? Simple - it influences the enjoyability and longevity of your outdoor living space.

Patios accumulate dirt, grime, and organic growth such as moss and algae over time. These can make surfaces slippery while leaving them looking unkempt and unsightly. 

Regular cleaning not only keeps your patio looking beautiful but also prevents the buildup of these elements, which can cause damage if left untreated. In this sense, routine cleaning is an investment in long-term protection of your patio.

While you’d probably rather spend your free time relaxing or doing something fun, keeping your patio clean ensures it remains a safe, inviting space for relaxation and entertainment. So, why would you consider the DIY patio cleaner route?

Why Make Your Own Patio Cleaner?

There are professionally formulated patio cleaning solutions awaiting you at Jennychem - so why bother making your own cleaner? There are a few reasons you may want to take this approach, from cost to customisaton.


Professional cleaning agents often carry a premium price for their convenience and brand, whereas the raw materials needed for a DIY mix, like vinegar or baking soda, are usually inexpensive and might already be in your pantry. While not always the case, you may be able to save some money making your own cleaning solution.


Whether your patio needs a gentle touch for delicate stone or a high-strength solution to tackle stubborn algae and moss, you can adjust the concentrations and components accordingly. 

Customising also allows you to experiment with different scents by adding natural oils, enhancing the cleaning experience and creating a more inviting ambiance overall.

Control Over Ingredients

Maybe you’re worried about harsh chemicals found in commercial products. While there are more gentle, environmentally friendly cleaners here at Jennychem, having complete control over the ingredients you’re putting on your patio can offer peace of mind. 

This is especially appealing to those with pets, children, or certain plants that you don’t want to put in harm's way. It’s also great for those who are concerned about the environmental impact of certain cleaners.

DIY Patio Cleaner: Step-by-Step Guide on How to Make Patio Cleaner

Now, let’s get into what really brought you here today - how to make patio cleaner DIY! We’ll walk you through everything from choosing your ingredients to mixing them together, storing the solution, and more below.

Basic Ingredients

The most important aspect of concocting a DIY patio cleaner is ingredient selection. There are many different options you have at your disposal, many of which you may have in your household already. But, here are the four inputs we’ll use for our recipe today:

  • White Vinegar: An excellent natural acid that effectively dissolves dirt, grime, and mineral deposits.
  • Baking Soda: Adds a gentle abrasive component that helps scrub away tough stains without damaging the patio surface.
  • Dish Soap: Acts as a surfactant, lowering the surface tension of the mixture and improving its ability to lift stains from the patio.
  • Water: Serves as the base of your cleaning solution, helping to dilute and spread the other ingredients evenly.

Mixing Your Solution

Mixing the solution sounds simple, but you need to make sure the ratio of ingredients aligns with your cleaning needs. We’ll share two different concentrations below:

Standard Cleaning Solution:

  • Mix 1 gallon of water with 1 cup of white vinegar.
  • Add 1 tablespoon of dish soap to help the solution cling to vertical surfaces and improve its grease-cutting power.
  • For tougher stains, add ½ cup of baking soda to the mixture for extra scrubbing power.

Heavy-Duty Mix:

  • For more stubborn stains, create a paste using 3 parts baking soda to 1 part water, and apply it directly to the stains.
  • Pour vinegar directly over the paste to create a foaming reaction, which helps lift dirt and grime.

Enhancements and Additives

If you want to take your DIY patio cleaner recipe to the next level you can add a pleasant scent and additional cleaning power with essential oils. Or, add a bit of lemon juice into the mix.

Struggling with weed growth on your patio? Use a bit of de-icing salt to kill weeds naturally! 

For a disinfecting boost you can add ½ cup of hydrogen peroxide to the mixture. It's excellent for brightening and killing mold and mildew.

Storage Guidelines

Now that you’ve made your own patio cleaning solution it’s time to put it to use - we’ll walk you through how to use patio cleaner in just a moment. However, you need to store any unused portion of the liquid solution in a sealed container in a cool, dry place for up to a month. Be sure to label the container with the contents and the date it was mixed.

Dry mixes, like baking soda or pre-mixed soda and salt, can be stored in an airtight container for several months. Always shake or stir liquid solution before use if it has been stored for an extended period to ensure the ingredients are well combined.

Tips on Applying Your DIY Patio Cleaner

Now that you’ve whipped up your patio cleaner solution DIY, it’s time to put it to use. Here are some tips on timing your application and techniques for the best results.

Optimal Conditions for Application

Just as there is a best time to use weed killer, you should await the optimal conditions for cleaning your patio. We recommend a dry, overcast day for cleaning your patio. 

Sunlight can cause the cleaner to evaporate too quickly, reducing its effectiveness, while rain can wash away the cleaner before it has a chance to act. Mild temperatures are ideal. If it's too cold, the cleaning solution may freeze - if too hot, it may evaporate prematurely.

Proper Application Methods

Here’s a quick 5 step process for using your DIY patio cleaner:

  1. Sweeping: Start by removing loose dirt, debris, and fallen leaves. This helps the cleaning solution work directly on the stains and grime.
  2. Pre-wetting: Lightly wet the surface with water before applying the cleaner to prevent it from being absorbed too quickly into porous materials. You want it to stay on the surface to break down the dirt.
  3. Applying the Cleaner: Use a garden sprayer or a bucket with a mop to apply the cleaner evenly across the patio. For tougher stains, use a brush to work the cleaner into the surface.
  4. Let it Sit: Allow the cleaner to sit and penetrate the dirt and stains for at least 15-30 minutes. Do not let it dry completely, as this can leave residues. This is why we suggest a mild, overcast weather for application.
  5. Scrubbing: For stubborn stains, scrub the area with a stiff brush to help lift the grime.

Safety Precautions

Whether you’re applying a patio cleaner DIY or a professional solution, always wear PPE like gloves to protect your skin from irritation - even something as mild as lemon juice or vinegar can take a toll on sensitive skin. You may want goggles as well if you’re mixing stronger ingredients.

You should also make sure there is ample ventilation throughout the space you’re cleaning to avoid inhaling fumes, particularly when using additives like hydrogen peroxide.

Be mindful of where runoff goes, especially if you’re using salt, which can harm plants and alter soil composition. As with any sort of chemicals, keep your cleaning solution out of reach of children and pets - even though it’s made with relatively safe ingredients.

The Challenges of Patio Cleaner DIY

There you have it - how to make patio cleaner solution DIY! Before you get started, though, we do want to look at the other side of the coin and assess potential challenges you may encounter. Like we said from the start, making your own cleaning agents can be a time consuming process that doesn’t guarantee results.

Limitations of Homemade Solutions

While DIY patio cleaners can handle light stains and dirt, they may fall short with more stubborn issues like oil stains, rust, or mold. Commercial cleaners contain stronger, more effective compounds specifically designed to tackle tough grime.

Achieving a consistent mix can also be tricky with homemade solutions. Variations in ingredient quality and proportions can lead to inconsistent results, which may not be as reliable as our options here at Jennychem.

The scope of application can vary wildly as well. Homemade cleaners may not be suitable for all types of patio materials. Certain natural stones or colored concrete could be damaged by acidic components like vinegar or lemon juice, which are common in DIY recipes.

Time and Effort Required

Let’s face it - actually cleaning your patio is enough work on its own. Do you really want to add more hurdles to jump through, or would you rather get a professionally formulated mixture in just a few clicks?

If you already have the right ingredients on hand, great. Otherwise, though, you still have to go through the hassle of sourcing these and finding the right ratios. 

You’ll also find that applying these homemade solutions can lead to extra work compared to professional formulations that do more of the heavy lifting for you.

So, while making your own patio cleaner can be a fun and fulfilling project, be honest with yourself. Is it really worth the headache when you could set yourself up for success in just a few clicks at Jennychem?

Save Time and Stress With a Professional Patio Cleaner at Jennychem!

Given the challenges and shortcomings associated with DIY patio cleaner, it’s worth investing a few pounds in a more effective cleaning solution. So, what is the best patio cleaner you have at your disposal? Your search ends at Jennychem, the UK’s trusted chemical supplier for more than three decades!

We have a variety of products to choose from, whether you want something versatile like sodium hypochlorite or a black spot remover. However, our specially formulated patio and driveway cleaner is our top seller for a reason.

Even the toughest grime, algae, moss,and stubborn stains are no match for this solution, which works deep into the pores of your patio to lift dirt and impurities to the surface for easy removal. It works incredibly fast too, helping you get the job done quickly so you can start enjoying a beautiful outdoor space faster. 

You can pair it with one of our Kranzle pressure washer models for even better results. An  industrial pressure washer is an excellent investment in cleaning efficiency, and we believe Kranzle makes the best commercial pressure washer in the UK.

Don’t just take our word for it - see it in action! Order your cleaner and equipment today and make patio cleaning a simple, stress-free process with Jennychem.

Bringing Our Guide on How to Make Patio Cleaner DIY to a Close

Making your own patio cleaner allows for customisation and control over the ingredients, ensuring your solution is tailored exactly to your needs. 

However, learning how to make patio cleaner DIY can be time-consuming and may not always provide the powerful cleaning action or long-term effectiveness provided by specialized products. 

Those seeking a more straightforward, professional solution can trust Jennychem for a range of patio cleaners that deliver superior cleaning power, safety, and convenience. 

We also have weed killer and car cleaning products like the best snow foam, best car polish, best car screen wash, and everything in between. We mean it when we say this is your one-stop shop for all things chemical cleaning!

So, why toil over a DIY patio cleaner solution when a tried and true alternative is just a few clicks away? You’ve got better things to do - leave the formulating to us. Put our products to the test and see what keeps our customers coming back for more!

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